Authoritative international platform for the exchange of experience and expansion of working contacts of key players in the mining sector

Onsite visit to Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant (CHTPZ)

About the facility

Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant is one of the largest manufacturers of steel pipes in Russia, it is part of TMK. The plant was founded in 1942 on the premises of the evacuated Mariupol Pipe Plant.

CHTPZ is rightfully considered a landmark enterprise both for Chelyabinsk region and for the entire pipe industry. The plant produces pipes with a diameter from 89 to 1,422 mm: large-diameter electric welded pipes, including those with an internal smooth-walled coating and an external anticorrosive coating, as well as seamless hot-formed, hot-rolled and cold-bent pipes.
The consumers of CHTPZ products are companies of the gas and oil refining industry, mechanical engineering, energy complex, construction industry, agriculture, aircraft industry, etc.

Today, the pipes made in Chelyabinsk can be met underwater, in the air, and underground:

– over 70% of operating gas and oil transmission pipelines are made by CHTPZ
– the produce by this pipe rolling plant was used for construction of sports facilities of the Olympic games-2014 and World Football Championship-2018
– CHTPZ is the only producer in the world which manufactures blades for the main weightlifting helicopter MI-26
– the produce by the plant is widely used in all sectors of economy: fuel and energy, car-making, utilities, etc.

Innovative productions with advanced approaches in the field of technology, organisation of production and culture have been launched at the CHTPZ — Europe's largest workshop to produce large-diameter pipes "Vysota 239" and an enterprise for the production of stamped-welded pipeline parts using nanostructured materials ETERNO. The unusual name of the workshop “Vysota 239” is related to its location – the height of 239 meters above sea level – higher than the height of other pipe rolling plants in the world. ETERNO is translated from Latin as eternity.

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